Logan Park Neighborhood Association
Safe and Secure Program
Applications Open Feb 15, 2024!
*Click here to Apply Online!*
The Logan Park Neighborhood Association (LPNA) will make available $25,000 of program income funds to reimburse Logan Park Neighborhood residents for a Security Rebate Program- “Logan Park Safe & Secure”. The funds will be distributed by LPNA in the form of rebates to reimburse property owners /dwellers for up to 50% of their out-of-pocket cost of such improvements. The maximum rebate will be $350.
Of the $25,000 program funds, $7,000 will be dedicated for renters. Renters can use more than the $7,000 of dedicated funds but are entitled to at least $7,000 of program funds. Program will be open until January 1, 2025, or until funds are exhausted. If program funds remain as of January 1, 2025, the LPNA board will have the option to extend the program or reallocate the funds.
The program is open to residents and residential property owners. Grantees are encouraged to share video with other neighbors and MPD upon request. LPNA asks that Grantees promote the program with a window cling that will be mailed with the reimbursement.
Eligible improvements include: Exterior dusk-to-dawn motion lights, front or backyard · Security cameras · Video doorbells · Installation and any necessary wiring/electrical work done by a non-applicant professional. Only new projects will be considered.
Ineligible expenses include, but are not limited to: Ongoing maintenance · Monitoring and operational costs · Installation labor performed by the applicant homeowner, tenant or property owner · Tools or rental charges for installation · Batteries, light bulbs, fire extinguishers and other consumables · Maintenance and/or replacement costs for an already installed system.
If a resident is unsure on where to start, we recommend starting with a free Home Security Audit from the 2nd Precinct Crime Prevention Specialist. For more information about the security audit, please contact Abdirashid.ali@minneapolismn.gov, 612-673-2874.
To apply for the grant, please submit an application to the Logan Park Neighborhood Association at admin@loganparkneighborhood.org. If your project is approved, you can proceed with purchase and installation of your security devices. When your project is completed, and you’ve submitted proper receipts and documentation of completion, you will be reimbursed by the LPNA, contingent on adherence to the Participation Agreement.
* Click here to Apply Online! *
You can also print an application Printed applications can be mailed to LPNA, 807 Broadway Street NE #70, Mpls MN 55413.
Application Timeline Requirements
- Submit application to LPNA for proposed security project.
- Within 2 weeks of application, LPNA will contact you to approve or deny your project, or to request additional information.
- You will have 90 days to complete your security improvement project from the date of approval by the LPNA.
- Once your home security improvement project has been completed, you will be required to submit the required proof of purchase as defined in the Participation Agreement below.
- Grant funds will be disbursed to Grantee within 30 days of receipt of all required completion documents.
Participation Agreement
“LPNA” is the Logan Park Neighborhood Association. The “Applicant” is the Logan Park Neighborhood resident who is applying for the grant. If the Applicant’s application is approved, they become a “Grantee.” The “Property” refers to the house or apartment where the Applicant intends to install the security device(s). “Security Grant” refers to the monies that is paid out to a Grantee.
The Applicant will receive a LPNA Safe and Secure Program Grant as specified above pending the Applicant’s compliance with the LPNA Guidelines, successful submission of the Grant application and submission of all required completion documents. Final determination rests with the LPNA Board of Directors.
- The Applicant certifies that they are the owner of the record of the Property where the funds will be used for security improvements; or where not the owner of the Property (i.e., the applicant is a tenant), the Grantee has obtained and attached the Property Owner’s written authorization to cause the security feature(s) to be installed.
- Each LPNA household is eligible to receive one (1) Security Grant per year.
- If applicable, any contractor(s) who perform work at the Property must meet City of Minneapolis licensing, building permit and building code requirements.
- If Grantee is performing any work, Grantee understands that upon completion all work must meet City of Minneapolis building permit and building/housing code requirements if applicable. Grantees will not be reimbursed for any “sweat equity,” i.e. any labor completed by the Grantee.
- Upon completion of the work, the Grantee must submit the following items to the LPNA:
- A final invoice showing the total cost for the security improvements; for those improvements being completed by the Grantee, detailed receipts from the materials supplier.
- A photo of the completed project.
- For work requiring a City permit, proof of final inspection by the City of Minneapolis Inspections Department. This can be a signed letter by the inspector or an email from the inspector to LPNA, admin@loganparkneighborhood.org
- If applicable, proof of payment of the Grant funds to the contractor.
6. The Grantee agrees to release and hold harmless the City of Minneapolis, the Neighborhood Revitalization Program Policy Board, and the Logan Park Neighborhood Association, together with their officers and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, injuries, damages, cost, and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of or relating to the use or financing of the property.